

发布日期:2019-08-24  点击:[]








宋素涛 李开云 任芬 刘文娟












5.乔福强,张恩涛,陈功香.情境对序数的空间表征之影响.心理科学,39(3):566-572, 2016.

6.陈功香,乔福强,赵佳.延时间隔和线索类型对遗忘学习判断的影响.心理与行为研究.14(4):433-437, 2016.

7.陈功香,常明钰,李开云,宋素涛 非流畅性对定向遗忘元认知判断的影响.心理学探新,37(6):519-524, 2017.

8.刘文娟,董及美,崔梦舒,陈功香.成人在语境中的母语词汇意义学习.心理科学进展, 27(9): 1574-1584,2019.

9.刘文娟,沈曼琼,李莹,王瑞明,情绪概念加工与情绪面孔知觉的相互影响,心理学报, 48(2): 163-173,2016

10.刘文娟,李莹,王瑞明,感知运动信息在概念表征中的作用,心理科学, 38(6): 1347-1352,2015

11.刘文娟,王瑞明,情绪面孔知觉与情绪概念加工的相互作用,第十六届全国心理学学术会议论文摘要集, 2013

12.焦鲁,刘文娟,刘月月,王瑞明,双语经验影响言语产生过程中通达能力的研究综述,心理科学, 39(02):330-335,2016

13.Chunyu Liu, Sutao Song, Xiaojuan Guo, Zhiyuan Zhu and Jiacai Zhang*, Image categorization from functional magnetic resonance imaging using functional connectivity, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 309:71-80, 2018

14.Sutao Song, Yuxia Huang, Zhiying Long, Jiacai Zhang, Gongxiang Chen and Shuqing Wang, "Single trial classification for the categories of perceived emotional facial expressions: an event-related fMRI study," SPIE Medical Imaging, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 97841T-97847, 2016

15.Sutao Song, Jieyin Feng, Meiyun Wu, Beixi Tang and Gongxiang Chen, "Gender Role Differences of Female College Students in Facial Expression Recognition: Evidence from N170 and VPP," International Conference on Brain Informatics, 116-125, 2017

16.Chuncheng Zhang, Sutao Song, Xiaotong Wen, Li Yao and Zhiying Long*, Improved sparse decomposition based on a smoothed L0 norm using a Laplacian kernel to select features from fMRI data, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 245:15-24, 2015

17.宋素涛,张家才,陈功香.基于fMRI的视觉信息解码研究进展[J].济南大学学报(自然科学版), 30(2):105-110, 2016

18.Liu Wenjuan, Ding Jinfeng, Li Lin, Yang Yufang, Metaphorical meaning learning in contexts: An event-related potential study, Journal of Neurolinguistics, 49:57-70,2019.

19.Ding Jinfeng, Liu Wenjuan, Yang Yufang, The influence of concreteness of concepts on the integration of novel words into the semantic network, Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2111):1-10, 2017

20.Liu Yueue, Chang Song, Li Li, Liu, Wenjuan, Chen Donggui, Zhang Jinqiao, Wang Ruiming, Effects of naming language and switch predictability on switch costs in bilingual language production, Frontiers in Psychology, 9: 649,2018

21.Xie Jiushu, Huang Yanli, Wang Ruiming, Liu Wenjuan, Affective valence facilitates spatial detection on vertical axis: shorter time strengthens effect, Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 277, 2015

22.Shen Manqiong, Xie Jiushu, Liu Wenjuan, Lin Wenjie, Chen Zhuoming, Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos, Wang Ruiming, Interplay between the object and its symbol: the size-congruency effect, Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 12(2):115-129, 2016

23.Kaiyun Li*, Yan Bi, Xue Teng, Yingchao Dong, Tianze Wang, Jiayi Wu, Zhenxing Zhang, Fengxun Lin*, Orderliness/Disorderliness is Mentally Associated with Construal Level and Psychological Distance, Frontiers in psychology,2019(接受待刊出)

24.Kaiyun Li*, Yan Bi, Yifan Wang, Mingxian Zhang, Yong-Jin Liu, Fengxun Lin, The Disentangled Sub-processes Involved in Implied Motion Contributing to Food Freshness: the Neural Evidence from ERPs, Advances in cognitive science,2019(接受待刊出)

25.Li, Kaiyun , Yang, H. , Wang, X. , Zhang, T. , Lu, P. and Lin, F., Seeing the forest in order and the trees in disorder: Environmental orderliness versus disorderliness affects the perceptual processing style. Psych J. 2019

26.Kaiyun Li*,Xueyang Wang,Tuo Zhang, Huijing Yang, Ping Lu, Fengxun Lin*. Real-time neural signals of disorder and order perception.Frontiers in psychology,2,2019

27.Kaiyun Li, Qiufang Fu*, Xunwei Sun, Xiaoyan Zhou, Xiaolan Fu. Paired-associate and feedback-based weather prediction tasks support multiple category learning systems. Frontiers in psychology,7,2016

28.Kaiyun Li, Yong-Jin Liu, Fangbing Qu, Xiaolan Fu*,Neural activity associated with attention orienting triggered by implied action cues, Brain research,1642:353-363,2016

29.李开云,王思杰,杨蕙菁,毕艳,张文君,林丰勋, “己之所欲”还是“成人之美”?解释水平视角下个体赠送—接受礼物的偏好不对称性,心理与行为研究,2019.(接受待刊出)

30.李开云*,陈功香,傅小兰,自闭症谱系障碍者的视运动知觉.心理科学进展, 5:831-846,2018

31.Ren, F., Wang, G., Wang, M., & Zhang, J. A taxometric analysis of the children’s sleep habits questionnaire. Sleep & Biological Rhythms, 13(3), 261-270,2015.

32.Wang, G., Ren, F., Liu, Z., Xu, G., Jiang, F., & Skora, E., et al. Sleep patterns and academic performance during preparation for college entrance exam in Chinese adolescents. Journal of School Health, 86(4), 298–306,2016.

33.Li, M., Wang, M. C., Shou, Y., Zhong, C., Ren, F., & Zhang, X., et al. Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the brief symptom inventory-18 among chinese insurance employees. Frontiers in Psychology, 9,2018.

34.罗杰, 任芬,袁方舟,乌云特娜,七十三.大学新生心理韧性的潜类别与入学适应.中国心理卫生杂志(8),695-699,2018.

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